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Steps for downloading FFmpeg and linking to FFmpegUI software:

1 – Download FFmpeg here:
2 – Select the version, the architecture (Windows 32-bit, 64-bit or macOS-64bit) and click on the Download Build button.
3 – Once the download is complete, extract the .zip file in the directory of your choice (Ex. Download, Documents, Desktop ….). The files that interest us (FFmpeg and FFprobe) are located inside the bin folder.
4 – Open the FFmpegUI software and click on the Settings button
5 – Click on the Browse… e seleziona il file FFmpeg che hai scaricato ed estratto al passaggio 3.
6 – Click on the OK button. The program will inform you that you will need to restart it to apply the changes.
7 – Click on the Yes button to close FFmpegUI.
8 – Now you can open FFmpegUI and start converting your videos.

**You can also move only the bin folder, rename it for example in ffmpeg_link and delete the rest. The programs that we need for the correct functioning of FFmpegUI are FFmpeg and Ffprobe.

Note: all this process will be automated in the next release. It will no longer be necessary to manually download and link FFmpeg and FFprobe. It will be done automatically by FfmpegUI.

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